I fell in love with marigolds about 7 years ago when I was working as an independent contractor at a flower shop in Rancho Santa Fe. The season was fall and we were using a few varieties of the under rated flower in cornucopias. We were mixing the marigolds with bright pink flowers, and a lot of foliage and it was awesome. Bright pink the perfect complement color for the season. The fragrance of the Marigolds are unforgettable to me and a one of a kind sent! Whenever I smell them it brings me back to the Fall days in Rancho Santa Fe making grand arrangements for home decor and holiday parties.
I saw some Marigolds the other day and felt that feeling again of my Rancho Santa Fe days, and wanted to share some information about this unique smelling flower. In Mexico marigolds are used in one of their Holidays called. Dia de los Muertos( Day of the Dead). Marigolds have been named the official flower of this celebration .
Marigolds were discovered in Central America in the 16th century, and then soon traveled to Europ
e and other areas, but according to Hindu Mythology Marigolds existed in India during the period of400bc and 8bc.There has been references about the special qualities and medicinal use in some writings. They have also been used for South Asian medicine for blood purification. Marigold species are still being tested by scientists for their health benefits..
Marigolds are a fantastic flower, so buy some today and enjoy.
Have a great October.